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Payroll Is Nothing Short Of A Big Hassle

One of the biggest tasks for any small business is running the payroll. If you start a new business there may be just you, or perhaps you and one or two partners. But your aim will be to grow your business as quickly as you can, and sure enough, if you do things the right way, there will quickly come a point where you cannot handle everything yourself, so you need to take on an employee. This is where the hassle begins.

You are suddenly faced with a whole lot of regulations and with dealing with HMRC, which you have never even considered. So, there is a great big learning curve while you try to get your head around everything. You may well do so, but as your business expands, so you need to take on more employees. Some may be on benefits, some may only work part time, they may work overtime, they may earn bonuses or commissions, and the whole thing just becomes more and more of a hassle.

So, it may come to a point where you put one of your team in charge of running payroll for one day a week, or however long it takes. That means that you need to invest in training that individual to do the payroll and the software that you need to run it. Even if that individual does very well, he or she is still going to take holidays. They may go sick. They may take maternity leave. They could even walk away to another job, taking with them all that they have learned and which you paid for!

No Training. No Software.

Those are just some of the reasons why you should outsource your employees’ payroll. When you use the payroll services that we provide at PayCheck, you don’t need any software. You don’t need to train anyone. And while we do indeed go on holiday and sometimes go sick, there are enough of us here to run your payroll without a hitch. We have been doing payroll for over 25 years now, and we are quite good at it!

That means that you can sit back and get on with what you should be doing and that is running your business, not filling in forms for the government.

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